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Will serve the turn.

What is he, Biondello?

Bion. Master, a mercatantè, or a pedant, I know not what; but formal in apparel,


8 An ancient angel-] For angel Mr. Theobald, and after him Sir T. Hanmer and Dr. Warburton, read engle. Johnson.

It is true that the word enghle, which Sir T. Hanmer calls a gull, (deriving it from engluer, Fr. to catch with bird-lime) is sometimes used by Ben Jonson. It cannot, however, bear that meaning at present, as Biondello confesses his ignorance of the quality of the person who is afterwards persuaded to represent the father of Lucentio. The precise meaning of it is not ascertained in Jonson, neither is the word to be found in any of the original copies of Shakspeare. I have also reason to suppose that the true import of the word enghle is such as can have no connexion with this passage, and will not bear explanation.

Angel primitively signifies


messenger, but perhaps this sense is inapplicable to the passage before us. So, Ben Jonson, in The Sad Shepherd:

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-the dear good angel of the spring,

"The nightingale -."

And Chapman, in his translation of Homer, always calls a mes. senger an angel. See particularly B. XXIV.

In The Scornful Lady of Beaumont and Fletcher, an old usurer is indeed called


- old angel of gold."

It is possible, however, that instead of ancient angel, our author might have written-angel-merchant, one whose business it was to negociate money. He is afterwards called a mercatartè, and professes himself to be one who has bills of exchange about him.


Master, a mercatantè, or a pedant,] The old editions read marcantant. The Italian word mercatantè is frequently used in the old plays for a merchant, and therefore I have made no scruple of placing it here. The modern editors, who printed the word as they found it spelt in the folio, were obliged to supply a syllable to make out the verse, which the Italian pronunciation renders unnecessary. A pedant was the common name for a teacher of languages. So, in Cynthia's Revels, by Ben Jonson: "He loves to have a fencer, a pedant, and a musician, seen in his lodgings." Steevens.

Mercatantè,] So, Spenser, in the third Book of his Fairy Queen: "Sleeves dependant Albanese wise."

And our author has Veronese in his Othello. Farmer.

pedant,] Charon, the sage Charon, as Pope calls him, describes a pedant, as synonymous to a household schoolmaster, and adds a general character of the fraternity by no means to their advantage. See Charon on Wisdom, 4to. 1640. Lennard's Translation, p. 158. Reed.

In gait and countenance surely like a father.1
Luc. And what of him, Tranio?

Tra. If he be credulous, and trust my tale,

I'll make him glad to seem Vincentio;
And give assurance to Baptista Minola,
As if he were the right Vincentio.

Take in your love, and then let me alone.2

[Exeunt Luc. and BIAN.

Enter a Pedant.

Ped. God save you, sir!


And you, sir! you are welcome.

Travel you far on, or are you at the furthest?
Ped. Sir, at the furthest for a week or two:

But then up further; and as far as Rome;
And so to Tripoly, if God lend me life.

Tra. What countryman, I pray?


Of Mantua.

Tra. Of Mantua, sir?-marry, God forbid!

And come to Padua, careless of your life?
Ped. My life, sir! how, I pray? for that goes hard.

Tra. 'Tis death for any one in Mantua
To come to Padua; 3 Know you not the cause?
Your ships are staid at Venice; and the duke
(For private quarrel 'twixt your duke and him)
Hath publish'd and proclaim'd it openly:
'Tis marvel; but that you 're but newly come,
You might have heard it else proclaim'd about.
Ped. Alas, sir, it is worse for me than so;

1- surely like a father.] I know not what he is, says the speaker, however this is certain, he has the gait and countenance of a fatherly man. Warburton.

The editor of the second folio reads-surly, which Mr. Theobald adopted, and has quoted the following lines addressed by Tranio to the Pedant, in support of the emendation: ""Tis well; and hold your own in any case, "With such austerity as 'longeth to a father." Malone

2 Take in your love, and then let me alone.] The hibit this line as follows, disjoining it from its Par. Take me your love, and then let m

Corrected by Mr. Theobald. Malone. 3'Tis death for any one in Mantua &c.] So Errors:

[blocks in formation]

For I have bills for money by exchange
From Florence, and must here deliver them.
Tra. Well, sir, to do you courtesy,
This will I do, and this will I advise you;-
First, tell me, have you ever been at Pisa?
Ped. Ay, sir, in Pisa have I often been;
Pisa, renowned for grave citizens.4

Tra. Among them, know you one Vincentio?
Ped. I know him not, but I have heard of him;
A merchant of incomparable wealth.

Tra. He is my father, sir; and, sooth to say, In countenance somewhat doth resemble you. Bion. As much as an apple doth an oyster, and all one. [Aside.

Tra. To save your life in this extremity,

This favour will I do you for his sake;
And think it not the worst of all your fortunes,
That you are like to sir Vincentio.
His name and credit shall you undertake,
And in my house you shall be friendly lodg'd;-
Look, that you take upon you as you should;
You understand me, sir;-so shall you stay
Till you have done your business in the city:
If this be courtesy, sir, accept of it.

Ped. O, sir, I do; and will repute you ever
The patron of my life and liberty.

Tra. Then go with me, to make the matter good. This, by the way, I let you understand;My father is here look'd for every day, To pass assurances of a dower in marriage 'Twixt me and one Baptista's daughter here: In all these circumstances I'll instruct you: Go with me, sir, to clothe you as becomes you."


4 Pisa, renowned for grave citizens.] This line has been already used by Lucentio. See Act I, sc. i.


5 To pass assurance - To pass assurance means to make a conveyance or deed. Deeds are by law-writers called "The common assurances of the realm," because thereby each man's property is assured to him. So, in a subsequent scene of this Act: "they are busied about a counterfeit assurance." Malone.

6 Go with me, sir, &c.] Thus the second folio. The first omits the word-sir. Steevens.


A Room in Petruchio's House.


Gru. No, no; forsooth; I dare not, for my life.
Kath. The more my wrong, the more his spite appears:

Go with me, &c.] There is an old comedy called Supposes, translated from Ariosto, by George Gascoigne. Thence Shakspeare borrowed this part of the plot, (as well as some of the phraseology) though Theobald pronounces it his own invention. There, likewise, he found the quaint name of Petruchio. My young master and his man exchange habits, and persuade a Scenæse, as he is called, to personate the father, exactly as in this play, by the pretended danger of his coming from Sienna to Ferrara, contrary to the order of the government. Farmer.

In the same play our author likewise found the name of Licio. Malone.

7 Enter Katharina and Grumio.] Thus the original play: "Enter Sander and his mistris.

"San. Come, mistris.

"Kate. Sander, I prethee helpe me to some meate; "I am so faint that I can scarcely stand.

"San. I marry mistris: but you know my maister "Has given me a charge that you must eat nothing, "But that which he himself giveth you.

"Kate. Why man, thy master needs never know it.
"San. You say true, indeed. Why looke you, mistris;

"What say you to a pece of bieffe and mustard now?

"Kate. Why, I say, 'tis excellent meate; canst thou helpe me

to some?

"San. I, I could helpe you to some, but that I doubt "The mustard is too chollerick for you.

"But what say you to a sheepes head and garlicke? "Kate. Why any thing; I care not what it be.

"San. I, but the garlicke I doubt will make your breath stincke; and then my maister will course me for letting you eate it. But what say you to a fat capon?

"Kate. That's meat for a king; sweete Sander help me to some of it.

"San. Nay, berlady, then 'tis too deere for us; we must not

meddle with the king's meate.

"Kate. Out villaine! dost thou mocke me?

"Take that for thy sawsinesse.

[She beates him

"San. Sounes are you so light-fingred, with a murrin;

"Ile keepe you fasting for it these two daies.

"Kate. I tell thee villaine, Ile tear the flesh off "Thy face and eate it, and thou prate to me thus.


What, did he marry me to famish me?
Beggars, that come unto my father's door,
Upon entreaty, have a present alms;
If not, elsewhere they meet with charity:
But I, who never knew how to entreat,
Nor never needed that I should entreat,-
Am starv'd for meat, giddy for lack of sleep;
With oaths kept waking, and with brawling fed:
And that which spites me more than all these wants,
He does it under name of perfect love;
As who should say, if I should sleep, or eat,
'Twere deadly sickness, or else present death.-
I pr'ythee go, and get me some repast;
I care not what, so it be wholesome food.
Gru. What say you to a neat's foot?

Kath. "Tis passing good; I pr'ythee let me have it.

"San. Here comes my maister now: heele course you.

"Enter Ferando with a piece of meate upon his dagger point, and

Polidor with him.

"Feran. See here, Kate, I have provided meate for thee :

"Here, take it: what, is 't not worthy thanks?

"Go, sirha, take it away againe, you shall be

"Thankful for the next you have.

"Kate. Why, I thanke you for it.

"Feran. Nay, now 'tis not worth a pin: go, sirha, and take it

hence, I say.

"San. Yes, sir, Ile carrie it hence: Maister, let hir

"Have none; for she can fight, as hungry as she is. "Pol. I pray you, sir, let it stand; for ile eat

"Some with her myselfe.

"Feran. Well, sirha, set it downe againe.

"Kate. Nay, nay, I pray you, let him take it hence,

"And keepe it for your own diet, for ile none; "Ile nere be beholding to you for your meate: "I tel thee flatly here unto thy teeth,

"Thou shalt not keepe me nor feed me as thou list, "For I will home againe unto my father's house.

"Feran. I, when y' are meeke and gentle, but not before: "I know your stomacke is not yet come downe, "Therefore no marvel thou canst not eat: "And I will go unto your father's house. "Come Polidor, let us go in againe;

"And Kate come in with us: I know, ere long, "That thou and I shall lovingly agree."

The circumstance of Ferando bringing meat to Katharine on the point of his dagger, is a ridicule on Marlowe's Tamburlaine, who treats Bajazet in the same manner. Steevens.

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